We show it
just as it is
Ithaca is a poem by the Greek writer Cavafis written in 1911. Cavafis refers to the mythical journey of Ulysses in the Odyssey, one of the most important works of the Greek author Homer.
Ithaca, in Western culture, connotes goal, arrival, achievement. The poem, however, places emphasis on the importance of the journey, a path that must be open to all the experiences that constitute life, in learning the path to achievement.
We, like Cavafis, believe that what is important in people’s lives is the path to the goal, and not the achievement itself. From the cognitive-behavioral model, we propose techniques and guidelines that improve and facilitate this path.

I'm Pilar Gómez

The Ítaca Psychology Center is a psychology office registered in the registry of Health Centers of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria (Nº 06/2014/02021).
- Psychologist in Santander expert in Child Treatment
- Master in Clinical Psychology
- Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training
- Member of COP Cantabria CA/00670