Todos hemos tenido pensamientos intrusivos en algún momento, pero ¿sabemos cuándo pueden ser peligrosos?
At some point we have all had thoughts like:
Everything is goingwrong
We always end uparguing
I'llneverfind someone like him
I can't doanythingto feel better
Or irrational fears:
I don’t get on the plane because we could have an accident and die.
It’s better that I don’t leave the house today so that I don’t get sick and I don’t hurt my son.
I prefer to walk even if it takes longer, because driving scares me.
The problem comes when these fears or thoughts prevent us from doing what is best for us, such as going by car, instead of walking, because we save an hour.
The most important thing
When we read them they seem absurd to us, but it is proven that we have all had some fear or irrational thought of this type at some point.
What to do?
Its treatment consists of exposure and adequate cognitive restructuring.