
For a few years now, there has been talk about this technology called virtual reality. Virtual reality, or VR, provides a user with a set of 3D environments with which they can interact, generating an immersive and interactive experience. endless practical uses.

Fundamentally, its two key points are the sense of presence and the interaction with the artificial elements that have been generated. By manipulating these 3D environments, we are able to represent realistic situations in which, in addition to not being in any danger, only VR glasses are needed.

The purpose of telling this is how it applies to our field, and how we can take advantage of it efficiently: in therapy, with Psious we develop an individualized visual environment and adapted to the needs of each patient, which we can summarize in completely personalized, safe and effective mental health care, and therefore, a great improvement in prevention, evaluation and treatment of mental health problems.

How does virtual reality help with diagnosis?

In current medicine, more than 35% of mental health problems are difficult to detect and diagnose. With virtual reality, it becomes much easier to locate any type of sign, since it evaluates the behaviors that we consider strange in real time. Currently, it is mainly used in post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and in navigation tests for Alzheimer’s, as well as in different types of anxiety, vertigo, ADHD and even brain trauma.

Advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality

Going a little deeper into this technology, we find different points very much in favor of its use:

— This is anon-invasive and totally safe technique, in which exposure to the environment is designed in a personalized and controlled way< /strong> at all times. It also provides the patient with greater privacy, isolating them at the same time from possible external stimuli.

—By constantly modifying the possible environmental conditions, you can achieve certain stimulus configurations that are difficult to access, also facilitating self-training strong> and overlearning, since the stimulus to study is not conditioned to occur in real life.

—The patient has an active and participating role, in which they can decide to abandon the simulation at any time or assess their own stimulus responses. p>

We know that, sometimes, it can be somewhat difficult to adapt at first, and that is why we propose short sessions, between 10 and 15 minutes, with breaks.

How will we apply virtual reality to therapy?

There are different application models, based on the experience and needs of each patient.

Exposure therapy

Using a feared stimulus, gradual coping with it will cause habituation, and in the end, an extinction of the patient’s negative response.

Systematic desensitization

Through sensory relaxation, the emotional responses conditioned by a certain stimulus are inhibited.

Activation control techniques

Using four environments (diaphragmatic breathing, muscle relaxation, imagery and mindfulness), the patient manages to regulate his activation. They are ideal for presenting VR.

Cognitive restructuring

Professionals evaluate the content of the patient’s maladaptive thoughts and beliefs, and are able to intervene in order to modify them.


It is capable of treating common aspects of different disorders. The professional is able to determine the patient’s perceptive capacity and performance in different situations, recognizing and treating the corresponding disorder.

Do you have any questions?

Since this is a completely new treatment in the field, it is normal for some reluctance or disbelief to appear. We will solve the most common ones for you.

What if I don’t achieve complete immersion?

In these cases, it is recommended to stop and resume therapy after a break. We need the patient to concentrate on visualization.

Could it cause me any discomfort?

Some types of therapy can cause discomfort in the patient when perceiving unpleasant stimuli. This, however, is an indicator that the therapy is working, and what the patient should do is rate her level of discomfort by her body’s reaction, not remove her glasses. If necessary, we remember that the experience can be stopped safely at any time.


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