
Although the general opinion relates psychology with the mind, and physiotherapy with the physical body, we should not let ourselves be fooled. Physiotherapy is a great ally of psychology, balancing both the body and the mind, and complementing any type of psychological or psychiatric therapy.

The origin of many physical conditions can come from alterations in the psyche and vice versa, so we can ensure that Without a doubt, there is an important connection between both parts, despite the fact that we commonly separate them. By combining both types of therapy, we can achieve a comprehensive treatment of the patient.

Key points of the psychology-physiotherapy relationship

To understand the importance of using both types of therapy in a treatment, the first thing we need to understand are the factors that make this union relevant.

  • Stress in society. The stress present in today’s society negatively influences the patient’s emotional factor. The high (and constant) exposure to this stress generates difficulties in the management of emotions, and, therefore, discomfort in the psyche of those who suffer from it.
  • Discomfort due to injuries. Other patients come with an injury that has decreased their mental strength. Those who suffer long-term pain, or disabling injuries, may see their stress levels increase or suffer alterations in the state of mind.
  • Personalization of treatment. In physiotherapy, there is no “neutral treatment”, which can be used generically strong>. It is important to take into account the patient’s personality, condition, and environment when developing a treatment. Thus, psychology is responsible for understanding and carrying out an analysis of the emotional situation and the psyche of the user, and facilitating this customization based on it.

Rehabilitation psychology

Within this multidisciplinary work and the combination of physical and psychological therapy, a fundamental subtopic is the psychology of rehabilitation. This discipline addresses the study and treatment of patients who, after an accident or illness, suffer a >chronic disability.

The base of this field are the principles of an egalitarian society, which does not hinder development and >adaptationof patients. Its main objectives are psychological support; emotional and cognitive re-education; and therapy, focused on enhancing the patient’s strengths.

Psychosomatic disorder

The main proof of the relationship between the body and the mind in terms of alterations is presented by psychosomatic disorder. In this type of disorders, physical conditions can be affected due to mental factors, either positive or resulting in an improvement of the conditions, or negative, resulting in a deterioration of them.

The categories into which we can divide these disorders are mainly three:

  • Patients who suffer from a physical and a mental condition. They may not be related, but they increase the difficulty of treatment due to their presence.
  • Patients who suffer from a physical condition that causes a mental condition. This is the case, for example, of depression or anxiety commonly.
  • Somatoform disorders, where the physical condition is caused by a mental condition. A well-known case is that of hypochondria, where the mind “deceives< /em>” to the physical body.

What are psychosomatic dysfunctions?

Within this section, we can find a long list of psychosomatic conditions, which relate both psychologists and physiotherapists in their treatment.

We will talk, therefore, about the most common ones, taking into account, of course, that they are not only produced due to altered states in psychology:

  • Depression. People with depression may feeldifficulty when it comes totaking care of their health, which leads to problems physicaland/orpsychological alterations.
  • Anxiety. In this case, there is feedback with the physical problems. That is, anxiety can appear due to an already existing health problem, and at the same time, worsen this same problem.
  • Chronic pain. Patients frequently feel pain in the head and/or in the back.
  • Chronic fatigue and/or weakness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Dizziness or vertigo.
  • Irritable colon, gas and/or digestive discomfort.
  • General discomfort.

Among the origin of these disorders we can find chronic conditions, injuries, or even unhealthy lifestyles that are sustained over time.

In order to treat this type of illness, which comes from emotional causes, it is necessary to carry out a deep analysis of the mental state of the patient, being the strong> objective to reduce the levels of distress, eliminate the stressful causes, or help tostrengthen the mind.

And remember: “Mens sana in corpore sana”.


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